2021 Talent Edge Weekly Newsletter Feedback Survey

Please take 3 minutes to complete this survey. Your feedback will help guide the content direction of future newsletter issues. Thank you for your readership and for your participation in the survey! Brian

Which best describes your role? *

What are the top 3 to 5 HR and talent topics that are most important to you and your organization as you think about the future of your workplace and workforce? *

Please select at least 3, but no more than 5 priorities/topics of interest.

What is your MOST immediate HR/Talent challenge on which you need more ideas, insights, and information to address? *

Feel free to be as descriptive or brief as you like.

In order of preference, indicate which content formats (e.g., articles, podcast, etc.) you prefer the most. *

Please note that you can drag and drop the selections in order of preference

  • Short-form articles (scannable; gets right to the point)
  • Long form articles (more substantive; goes deeper into the topic/issue)
  • Reports / Whitepapers (in depth research-based studies; usually provided by "think-tank" sources)
  • Podcast
  • Webinar / Webcast
  • Infographic
  • Cheat Sheets /Quick References (1-2 page quick guides)
  • Tools (e.g., diagnostics, surveys, online tools, etc)

For each resource covered in the newsletter, I include my own summary and offer a perspective before pointing to the original source. Regarding the summaries, how would describe them?

Optional: (Please complete if you feel you have enough reference points to answer.)

Please provide any other feedback or suggestions that you have.


Once you click "Finish Survey," you will be redirected back to the Talent Edge Weekly Newsletter issue.

**Thank you for providing your feedback!
